Monday, January 23, 2012

Sister visit, take two.

The second day I was in the hospital Ryan had to work ALL day at the lab... kind of a bummer, but he still came and stayed the night with me afterward (he didn't get done until 3am though!!!). Since he new it would be a long day at the lab he left the van with Roberta so she could come visit me at the hospital.

Here she is snuggling lil' Zak.
Doesn't he look more like a one month old than a newborn... crazy!
Notice Abby in the background? Totally out. I think they came to visit around 5pm, which driving Abby in the car from 3-5pm is almost guaranteed she'll konk if she hasn't napped. Which, doesn't make for the most pleasant of Abby's when she wakes up some times.

Sarah still excited as ever about her new baby brother.

She love, Love, LOVES him!

Love that double chin!

Me trying to get Abby distracted from waking up a little on the cranky side.

Where is baby brother Abby?
(I just got my IV out in this picture, hooray!)

While the girls were there for their second visit they got to go and watch Zak get his hearing screening and get weighed and poked for his glucose test (they did it in the nursery, so they watched through the window). They thought it was fun getting to walk through the halls with little Zak. They also thought it was fun to raid the nutrition room for its apple juice. Yum, yum!

Thanks Roberta for wrestling the girls in and out of the hospital. It was such a treat to have them come and say hello to me, especially since Ryan was gone the whole day. 

Totally random experience on this day. The Doctor came in to ask if we wanted to have Zak circumcised. He asked me if I knew all of which it entailed, assuming that he would explain the care and procedure I asked him to fill me in.
This older doctor then proceeded to draw a picture of a penis and foreskin on the permission form and explain how they would perform the procedure.
Er, um... thanks Doc. I knew that part, and now I'll have the memory of you explaining it, with pictures forever in my memory. Wish I would have gotten a picture of the doctor... kind of made the whole thing more hilarious if you saw him. Anyway. Thought that was pretty funny... and oddly, wanted to share/remember it. 


Aden & Jamie Hirtle said...

Ha ha.... you didn't save the pic from the doctor? That is really funny. Almost like he is sitting down with you to give you "the talk." The thing I thought was funny after we had the girls was a nurse, and later a doctor coming in and talking to me about using birth control. I felt like some careless teenager who had gotten pregnant without any thought. My comment to them, "Well we did IVF as it is pretty much impossible for us to get pregnant on our own." The doctor said, "Well, you have about as much chance of getting pregnant with BC as you do without it... but you never know..."

Deb said...

Sorry Ryan had to work. I didn't like it when Patrick couldn't be there for me's different with multiple children (and work)! I'm glad you had family there to help. That's a funny doctor story, doctors are so weird sometimes...(not Ryan or Brian though!) :)