This is the part of the trip that we like the least... the saying goodbye part.
Who likes that part, anyhow?
My family got together for one last dinner on memorial day. It wasn't anything big, but it was fun to hang out. My Aunt Jeannine and Uncle Zock and their children were even able to come join in the fun.
It was nice to be surrounded by family. I miss that most in Pittsburgh.
I think I feel silly taking pictures of adults, because as I look through my plethora of photos, it is mostly of the kids... they are the ones who are changing the most anyways, might as well capture it all while I can. But I do wish I had more pictures of the girls with their G'mas & G'pas, Aunts and Uncles.
It was a rainy day, so we couldn't play in the yard, but luckily Ryan had picked up some bubbles and we headed to the porch to have some fun with the little ones (who were running endless circles around the house).
Okay, I have to explain these next few pics of JuneBug.
When my older brother Pat (Junes Dad) was little he used to make a face where he'd look up to the corner and pucker his lips. Kind of like this.
So when June did it once they made sure to encourage it. Now they ask her, "June, do the look" and she will do it. It is so cute.
She knows she's being funny.
Its no wonder Abby followed her around and tried to do everything she did.
Oh and I love this sweet William too, always smiles for the camera for me.
We had one last Newey Playdate, on that last Sunny day Utah had while we were in town.
It was actually warm and we could wear some of the summer clothes we had packed.
And of course, no visit it is complete until we all get hair cuts from G'ma Lisa.
Abby was being a little difficult.
Sarah was amazing.
Do you see all of that hair we chopped off? We cut a good 4-5 inches.
It is nice for reducing the tangles, but I kind of miss how long it was. I'm glad I didn't just chop it really short like I was originally thinking.
Her new amazing haircut.
We had Jord & Em over for dinner on our last night in town and it was nice to have the kids play together one last time.
*gasp* all kids looking, and semi smiling... I'm in shock!
We sure are going to miss you cousins!
It was such a nice visit. We realized that Abby has spent practically her whole life in Pittsburgh and decided that this trip would be family only so that Abby and Sarah could really spend some quality time getting to know their grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins better. We're so glad we did. We love our friends and were bummed we didn't hang out with any of you, but we'll be back. You can't get rid of us forever. ;)
Thanks Family for such a wonderful visit!
Can't wait for next time.