Sunday, September 19, 2010

Food Faces

Sarah making a silly apple smile face. 

She thought that she was so funny. She actually asked me to take a picture. 
Thanks Sarah! It looks way cute. :)

Abby sporting the sleeping beauty food face. 

I sat both of the girls down with their lunch and decided to run upstairs and take a quick shower (it seriously was like 5 minutes long). I was surprised that Abby wasn't screaming to be let out of her high chair when I turned off the water (she eats fast, and isn't patient about staying in her high chair after). Ran downstairs panicked that maybe she had choked or something terrible... only to find her dead asleep. What a tired little girl. Exhausted from big sister climbing into her bed every morning (and in the middle of the night) and waking her up. 

Fun times at the Stevie House!


Aden & Jamie Hirtle said...

Sarah's picture is soooooo cute!! She is looking so grown up!

Annie Goodwin said...

Your girls are sooo beautiful! Just like their momma.