Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Emily's Birth Story

It always is a surreal feeling going in for an induction. At this point, I think going into labor would be quite shocking, but knowing that you're driving to the hospital to have a baby is so weird. This one felt more so as it was so unexpected to have it start that night!

My sweet friend Collette made arrangements to stay the night with our kids and we got to the hospital a little after 7pm. I was so excited and nervous. I never thought I would have my baby that night. We got all hooked up and moving by 9pm and I was sure that I would have the baby between midnight and 1am. Zak took about 5 hours of laboring before he came, so I thought it would be that long or shorter with this one. 

Well... midnight came and went and so did 1 o'clock... I was really uncomfortable but didn't want to get an epidural again if delivery was close (with Zak I got my epidural and still felt everything down yonder). Luckily my sweet, sweet husband talked me into getting an epidural. I am so glad I did. I won't lie. It was SOOOO painful getting the epidural, but I am SO glad I did! I was able to take a little bit of a nap before it was time to push, and lets face it. I went into this induction already exhausted from a long day of working around the house. I think I cleaned and vacuumed out our van that morning. haha!

Well, around 4 am I felt it was go time, and I was right. It was another smooth and easy delivery. I think I only pushed through two contractions. 

Emily Suzanne

January 7th, 2014
10lbs. 1oz.
21 inches

I measured small this entire pregnancy, even had one of my doctors say that he thought she would be my smallest baby. So I was quite shocked when they told me her weight. 
Another TEN pound baby!! 
No wonder I suffered with such horrible back pain this pregnancy! Totally felt justified for all the times I whined about an achey back. 

She was worth every uncomfortable moment thought. 
Pure joy!

Looking through my pictures I feel guilty we didn't take more. 
I don't even have a picture with Ryan snuggling her all new and slimy.

And that is Emily's Story.


Ali said...

What a wonderful story and awesome doctor for starting you! I hope to meet this little lady someday.