Thursday, July 14, 2011


I've been so bad about taking pictures lately (sorry G'mas)

Part of the reason is because this summer, though we've done fun things, hasn't had too many events that I think to bring my camera to, or to actual use my camera at. 

We've been to the zoo and the lake, all things that I feel I've taken a gazillion pictures of before...
but I still need to make more of an effort to capture more little moments. 

I have a couple of pictures from the other night that I'll pot when I have a little more time... 
but this one couldn't wait...
I only wish that I was focused on both at the time, and didn't cut Abby off.

I had taken a whole bunch of Abby, and then Sarah wanted a turn, so I was taking some of her...
looking through them later I realized how AWESOME Abby looked in this one.

Makes me smile, hope it does the same for you.

Stay tune for some more later.


Ash said...

haha that's way cute Liz! I love Abby's cheezie grin. Your awesome at setting your aperture right and blurring the back ground. I still struggle with that and I've even taken a class. Gah!